Recent Issues
2024/5: Dance as an Art of Resistance: Cultural and Theological Musings
Edited by Stefanie Knauss, Gusztáv Kovács

2024/4: Prayer
Edited by Antony John Baptist, Catherine Cornille, Geraldo De Mori, Stephan van Erp

2024/3: Health
Edited by Susan Abraham and Stan Chu Ilo

2024/2: Resurrection
Edited by Béatrice Faye, Margareta Gruber, Gianluca Montaldi, Carlos Schickendantz

2024/1: War and Peace
Edited by Bernardeth Caero, Luca Ferracci, Danny Pilario, Michelle Becka

2023/5: Theology in Higher Education
Edited by Michel Andraos, Antony John Baptist, Geraldo de Mori, Stefanie Knauss

2023/4: Abuses in the Church
Edited by Michelle Becka, Po-Ho Huang and Gianluca Montaldi

2023/3: Divine Providence: Beyond the Omnipotens Paradigm
Edited by Carolos Mendoza-Álvarez, Daniel F. Pilario and Gustáv Kovács

2023/2: Perspectives on Church and Theology in Africa
Edited by Margareta Gruber, Stan Chu Ilo, Stephan van Erp

2023/1: Racism: Women’s intercultural perspectives
Edited by Sharon A. Bong, Bernardeth Caero Bustillos and Susan Abraham

2022/5: Hospitality and Friendship
Edited by Stan Chu Ilo, Gusztáv Kovács and Carlos Schickendantz

2022/4: Animals and Theologies
Edited by Susan Abraham, Geraldo Luiz De Mori and Stefanie Knauss

2022/3: Contextual Approaches to the Bible
Edited by Bernardeth Caero Bustillos, Margareta Gruber, Anthony John Baptist and Esther Mombo

2022/2: Covid-19: Beyond the Anthropocene?
Edited by Sharon A. Bong, Michelle Becka and Carlos Mendoza-Álvarez

Founders’ Memorial Issue
The Enduring Theological Wisdom of the Founders of Concilium: Congar, Rahner, Metz, Schillebeeckx and Küng